All pro removal have varicose veins on the legs: how is the surgery performed, reviews, rehabilitation

Mostly conservative treatment is not effective, it is necessary to carry out surgical operations. Do in such cases:

  • extensive varicose veins, which takes a large part of the vein;
  • acute phlebothrombosis or thromboembolism;
  • wrong extension of the subcutaneous veins;
  • the existence of swollen feet;
  • violation of the circulatory system the venous system;
  • trophic developing sores that do not respond to medical treatment;
  • chronic fatigue and feet of the infringement movement.

Limitations and contraindications

Unfortunately, not all of it is possible to carry out surgical intervention, despite the severity of the disease. The operation does not take place in the cases:

  • the running state of the disease, if the activity does not give results;
  • related hüpertooniatõbi is 3 degrees, Ikh ;
  • sepsis or other inflammatory-infectious processes in the body;
  • senile age greater than 75 years;
  • pregnancy 2. and 3. trimester;
  • skin disease relapse period (eczema contact dermatitis, mug, and others).

Types of operations of lower extremities veins

Today medicine can offer several options for activities to prevent varicose veins of the lower extremities:

  • complete removal of the vein or phlebectomy;
  • delete the infected region of the vein or mikroflebektomiyu;
  • laser coagulation, using a laser knife;
  • radio frequency ablation above;
  • sclerotherapy;
  • Phlebectomy.


Refer to the sustainable microinvasive activity interventions, which remove the damaged fragments of the receptacle.

The advantage of this method is not postoperative complications, because surgery carried out through small punctures.

This reduces the time of rehabilitation and increases the cosmetic effect.

Laser removal

So after the treatment of varicose veins by means of laser Expensive surgery, which the basis for removal of small veins through laser knife. Operation impact ray laser vessel, resulting in blood and the container is closed and isolated. Later way to dispel.

The advantages of operation in the absence of surface defects and short recovery run. Immediately after surgery, when the patient can go home on their feet. transactions

Radio frequency ablation

The method is an improved version of the previous in a way that most less dangerous and traumatic of all of the available.

Thanks to him will be deleted in the vein of every caliber below by varicose sites, without anesthesia. The rehabilitation period does not need to, because two weeks can already be avoided in the run around.

But it is worth noting that in some cases the effect is not better if after laser removal.

Compression sclerotherapy

This method is difficult to call operational. Its core is the use of sclerosant – a special substance, which when administered in the vessel makes this fiber rope. Injection through multiple times and only the veins of small caliber.

Through the therapy does not need anesthesia, according to this is used predominantly by those who have anesthesia lactose. But it requires a long recovery period. Patients need to be packing cast not less than 3 months.

Operation consequences

After the prompt intervention of the lower extremities in the veins of the probable complications which the surgeons certainly warn their patients in advance. All of these complications arise in the various stages of manipulation and are dependent on factors such as:

  • five operations without interference;
  • the stage of negligence on the part of the process and volume of robots;
  • the choice of anesthetic and the way of its introduction.

Depending on these factors, the risk of complications is different, how and methods of their elimination. The course itself traumatic and a dangerous method is phlebectomy. Since offendimus all fabrics are the lower extremities of the likelihood of complications. The most basic of them are:

  • aseptic inflammation of the skin around the stitches;
  • the formation of bands where the accumulates in the blood, redness of the skin and pain sensation;
  • secondary inflammatory processes due to the amalgamation of the bacterial infection;
  • the bleeding of the wound;
  • a significant swelling due to the traumatization of lymphatic vessels and nodes of the groin zone;
  • thromboembolism system of the deep veins as a result of a permanent bed linen mode without preventive activities (the use of compression hosiery, minimal motor activity, and medicines that improve the rheology in the blood);
  • bruises and exasperate your stitches on the site operate without interference;
  • relapse and progress of the disease.

Activity in the first days after the operation

If the patient is up after anesthesia, it is necessary to move-the feet as much as possible. Is exercises the complex belongs to the rotation of the knee and the ankle joint, bending and extension of the feet. The main thing is not to overdo it, to not make things worse.

On the second day of the operation make ligation, after which put on a special knitted wash or tight bandaging of the feet.

Limbs is desirable to lift, improve blood circulation. In no cases, the action area should not be rubbed out, as well as a visit to the sauna, because can break the seams. If sick with trembling, it is worth taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, after which sure to seek medical attention. There are cases, leg swelling is desirable to reduce the physical load.

Out 9-10 days the stitches usually are removed. Then determine the individual rehabilitation. Complete recovery arrives, depending on the stage of the disease and the physical status of the person. delete

Rehabilitation and prevention consists of such conditions:
  • Lifestyle modification and physical activity in patients;
  • Correctional food after surgery;
  • Compression therapy aftercare period.

Lifestyle modification and physical activity in patients

Since one of the main reasons why varicose veins is a physical activity, quick recovery and healing of recommended walks in the fresh air each evening, special physical exercises without encumbrances, walking "socks" and "heels", the cycling, the circular motion of the joints of the lower extremities exercises, according to "scissor", as well as massage, foot and healthy sleep.

Correctional food after the operation

Excessive body weight promotes relapse and progression of the disease, if the patient is obese, it is urgently necessary to change your diet: kalorisisaldust reduce, food diversification, nutrition to change the mode. It is advisable to consume only food of meat, seafood and sea fish, dairy products, cereals, fruits, vegetables, berries and nuts. The same day you need to drink close to 2 liters of normal water.

You should still keep in mind the patients

Sick is worth to remember that the education of the seam was already a 3 month period. Then shape the arm. At this time, it must be considerately towards the operated area of the limb:

  • Do not rub the place of operation, the coarse and stiff sponge during a shower and use cosmetic scrubs. Use soft sponge or simply wash your hands.
  • The water during washing should be warm.
  • Does not pay to try to delete iodine, Zelenka or other bright antisepsis once, it causes unnecessary friction.
  • If the place is seam itching, wear this, drink that, it gives an antiseptic effect and removes itching.
  • Does not pay to cut off the crust itself, they themselves disappear.
  • If the place is a seam large or re-emerged in strange spots, seek medical attention.
  • Try to protect yourself from stress and undue excitement.